Sunday, September 12, 2010

Close in Delaware

Public Policy Polling has a new poll up on the Delaware primary and general senatorial race. The poll has some good news for Christine O'Donnell: she leads Mike Castle in the primary polling by a slim three points, 47-44. This is a big upswing for O'Donnell.

The relentless attacks of O'Donnell and her allies have been successful at dragging down Castle's favorability ratings. More and more Republicans in Delaware view him as "too liberal."
It’s clear that Castle’s popularity has taken a sharp turn in the wrong direction over the last month. An August PPP poll found his favorability with Delaware Republicans at a 60/25 spread. Now his favorables within the party are negative at 43/47. That’s largely a product of 55% of voters in his party saying they think he’s too liberal compared to 37% who think he’s about right.
While Castle leads with moderates, he has taken a real hit with self-proclaimed Republican conservatives.

However, PPP's latest round of polling has some bad news for O'Donnell: it shows her getting walloped by Democratic candidate Chris Coons. Castle still leads in polling for the general.

Mike Castle's been a big loser in the dynamic of the last week or so; if he ends up losing the primary, it remains to be seen whether O'Donnell or Coons will be the bigger winner.